Complex project management and supervision of
motorway construction projects, inculding road construction, bridge construction, drainage works, utilities, traffic management, motorway emergency roadside communication system
- Independent Engineering tasks of M4 Motorway construction works between M0-Cegléd (km 24+924-73+235)
- Independent Engineering tasks of M3 Motorway construction works between Görbeháza – Nyíregyháza km 187+150-226+098, Nyíregyháza bypass between km 234+560-242+700 and bypass of Main Road No. 4 between km 0+000-16+500. Project value: 470 376 007 €
- Independent Engineering tasks of M43 Motorway construction works between Makó-State Border.
Project value: 168 479 928 € - Independent Engineering tasks of M43 Motorway construction works between km 18+400-34+600 section
Project value: 75 713 210 € - Complete supervision construction M35 Motorway construction between Debrecen – Berettyóújfalu and between Berettyóújfalu – State Broder including Motorway O&M Centre and Police Building construction.
- Supervision of works on Smart traffic monitoring system „CROCODILE” on different Motorway sections