Project management and supervision of road
construction or road rehabilitation projects. Roadworks,
drainage works, utilities, traffic management
- Supervision of 11,5t axle load reinforcement of main road no.55. Szeged-Baja section and documentation preparation for KÖZOP tendering of Mórahalom bypass.
Project value: 166 666 667 € - Supervision of 11,5t axle load reinforcement and parallel bike path construction of main road no.55. on section km 40+975-71+829 (Kelebia-Tataháza) section and documentation preparation for KÖZOP tendering of Mórahalom bypass.
Project value: 36 659 918 € - Supervision of 11,5t axle load reinforcement and parallel bike path construction of main road no.55. on section km 71+829-98+480 (Tataháza-Baja) section.
Project value: 32 611 971€ - Supervision of 11,5t axle load reinforcement construction of main road no.62. between M8 (new bridge over Danube) and Székesfehérvár section.
Project value: 23 664 590€ - Supervision of 11,5t axle load reinforcement and parallel bike path construction of main road no.55. between on section Mórahalom bypass-county border.
Project value: 15 333 333€ - Supervision of 11,5t axle load reinforcement of main road no.53. on section between main road no. 55. and State border. Project value: 2 376 805 €
- Supervision of construction of main road no. 68. on Marcali bypass section.
Project value: 11 425 056 € - Independent Engineering services (design, permit, construction) of the construction of road no. 4451 j. Nagylak bypass section.
Project value: 11 222 552 € - Technical supervision of the widening of main road no. 47. for 2×2 lanes (section km 202+450-207+000).
Project value: 6 627 376 € - Independent Engineering services of the construction and lengthening of road no. 43112 between Kübekháza (HU)- State border station to Rabe (SRB).
Project value: 4 499 844 € - Supervision of 11,5t axle load reinforcement of main road no. 51. in Dunapataj section and section Dunapataj-Kalocsa. Project value: 3 972 071 €
- Independent Engineering services of the 2×2 lane widening of main road no on section km 9+600–11+988.
Project value: 1 519 301 € - Technical supervision of the reconstruction of local roads in 3rd district of Budapest III.
Project value: 1 220 240 € - Technical supervision of the construction of connection road construction between Patak str. and Munkácsy Mihály str in Törökbálint.
Project value: 763 286 € - Independent Engineering services of the rehabilitation of main roads no. 3 and 35.( ISPA funded projects).
- Supervision of 11,5t axle load reinforcement construction of main road no. 88. between km 3+172-10+046 and the construction of 6,34 km long parallel bike path.
- Technical supervision of the construction of high load capacity haulage road for MOL polyol.
- Independent Engineering services (permitting, design, construction) of the construction of connection road for Mátraverebély-Szentkút National Shrine.
- Independent Engineering services of the construction of road no. 41134. between Garbolc-State border section and consultancy services of the public procurement procedure preparation of the project.
- Independent Engineering services of the construction of road no. 44129. between Csanádpalota-State border.
- Technical supervision of the construction and rehabilitation of multifunctional community square in Békásmegyer (3rd district Budapest).
Project value: 1 309 999 € - Technical supervision of the construction of national axle load measuring stations in different locations in Hungary
- Technical supervision of noise protection of residential areas along M3 Motorway Budapest section (14th and 15th district). Project value: 3 704 262 €