Complex project management and supervision of
structural and building construction projects
- Supervision of Railway Station building reconstruction at Csárdaszállás, Mezőberény.
Project value: 2 769 532 € and 3 337 877 € - Supervision of new railway station building construction at Murony.
Project value: 3 833 110 € - Supervision of MOL butadiene plant construction in Tiszaújváros.
- Supervision of O&M Centre reconstruction and construction at Szombathely.
Project value: 2 275 052 € - Supervision of O&M Centre construction at Makó and at Hajdúnánás.
Project value: 3 548 387 € and 4 193 548 € - Supervision of Motorway O&M Centre building construction (Szombathely).
Project value: 2 641 449 € - Supervision of New station building construction at Törökszentmiklós, construction of new railway maintenance building at Püspökladány, Reconstruction of station building at Fegyvernek-Örményes.
Project value: 4 288 869 €. - Supervision of reconstruction of Móricz Zsigmond Elementary School, Leányfalu, Hungary.
- Supervision of demolition works and transportation of reclaimed steel structure of the Hungarian 2015 World’s fair building in Milan, Italy.
Project value: 1 023 593 €